Regular Meeting – January 5, 2016


I.           CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Bill Britton at 1000 hrs.  Members present:  Arden Potter, and Mike Williams.  Members absent: Larry Helsley, and George Owen. Others present: Chief Frank DeNatale, Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.  Late arrivals:  Chris DeNatale, and Melissa DeNatale.



A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2015 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC Williams/Potter to approve the consent agenda as presented.


III.       BADGE CEREMONY: Welcoming Fire Chief Frank DeNatale –This item moved to the end of the meeting.  Chairman, Bill Britton, on behalf of the Weaverville Fire District Board of Directors, welcomed Chief DeNatale.



A. Discuss/Approve, Employee contracts medical coverage plans for employees – Discussion on costs and what was done in the past.  It was suggested to table this item until the other members of the Board were present.  Clerk instructed to go ahead with the normal protocol on medical benefits to make sure employees are enrolled in a timely manner, and will discuss adding Clerk’s spouse at another time. 

MSC Potter/Williams to approve enrolling Fire Chief/Spouse and Clerk for medical benefits, not to exceed $2,143.02/mo.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Program almost to an end, waiting for approval of the next Title III grant. Discussion on expenditure off-set   

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report: Scott Alvord reported for December 2015  

·        571 Calls last year

·        Structure fire in Lewiston

·        Equipment damaged on fire

·        Deposition re: structure fire on East Weaver

·        Appreciation/Awards Dinner on February 5th –invitations will be sent soon

·        Sleeper Station One carpet cleaned

·        Jon is moving into Station One

·        T-21 is getting more spot lights

·        Herk is doing a great job with the equipment

·        WT-32 had loose bolts

·        Training on T-21

·        Mill sprinkler system

Chief Frank DeNatale spoke of his transition plan


C.    Fire Department Report: Great response turnout for last year  

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Keith moving out soon.  Short discussion on sleeper for Station Two        

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No report.

·        Collection Committee: No report

·        Contract Committee: Jeannie Hodge retiring, need to look into another CPA for annual audits

·        Tuition Committee: No report

·        Budget Committee:  Report on 2015 wildfires.   

F.     Director Reports: None.                                                


VI.                      PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. 

VII.     CORRESPONDENCE: Jeanne Hodge retirement, Jim Underwood to send Clerk a list of reputable CPAs in Shasta County.

VIII.  ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1050 hrs.     





__________________________                                    __________________________

    Bill Britton, Chairman                                                         Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board